Only a Real Outdoor Adventurer Can Ace Our National Park Quiz

If you’re a true outdoor enthusiast who’s made the rounds of some of America’s most popular national parks, you’ll definitely want to test your knowledge with this National Park quiz. Chances are, you’ll discover a few new ones you’d like to visit in the future!

1. With more than 9 million visits per year, which national park is the most popular among all 58 national parks in the US?
2. Three out of ten of the largest waterfalls in the world can be found in which national park?
3. Great Sand Dunes National Park and Mesa Verde National Park are both located in which state?
4. Great Smoky Mountains National Park is located in Tennessee as well as which other state?
5. North America's highest mountain, at 20,320 feet, is located in which National Park?
6. The world's largest known caves can be found in which of the following national parks?
7. Badwater Basin, Stovepipe Wells, and the Devil's Golf Course are all located in which national park?
8. Which of the following national parks is NOT located in one of the contiguous 48 states?
9. Featuring rugged seashore on Mt. Desert Island as well as the adjacent mainland, Acadia National Park is located in which US state?
10. The best-preserved prehistoric cliff dwellings in United States are located in which of the following national parks?