How Much Do You Know About New England? Take Our Quiz to Find Out!

From some of the most spectacular outdoor scenery to historic sites that include Plymouth Rock, Lexington and Concord, Paul Revere House, and more, New England is a favorite tourist destination for many. But how much do you know about the six states that make up this northeast region of our country? Take this short ten-question quiz to find out!

1. Of the thirteen original colonies, which colony (and future state) was the first to declare its independence from Mother England, a full six months before the Declaration of Independence was signed?
2. The two largest cities in New England are both located in Massachusetts; one is Boston, and the second is which of the following cities?
3. In ratio of cows to people, which New England state has the greatest number of dairy cows in the country?
4. The Bavarian-style hamlet of Merrimack, home to the famous eight-horse hitch and the Anheuser-Busch Clydesdales, is located in which New England state?
5. Which New England state produces 99% of all the blueberries in the entire United States?
6. In 1937, this state became the first to issue permanent license plates for cars:
7. The White Horse Tavern, located in this New England state, was built in 1673 and is the oldest operating tavern in the United States:
8. The Fig Newton was named after the town of Newton in which New England state?
9. Which New England state has the smallest state capital in the US?
10. St. Mary's, founded in 1828 in this New England state, is the church best known as the site of the wedding of Jacqueline Bouvier to John Fitzgerald Kennedy in 1953: